
2024-10-12 09:41 来源:网络 点击:


Is it safe for Indians to live in China?





Shoeb Khan

In present scenario it may not be safe to live in



Subhendu Roy, GM with Mahesh Prefab Pvt Ltd. (2008-present)

Why not?

Just mind your business and be respectful to the host nation.

Hope it is not too much to ask for!!

Subhendu Roy,总经理与Mahesh Prefab Pvt Ltd.(2008年至今)




Mahesh Sriram, studied at TUCK Executive Education

Of course yes. Chinese people are very kind and they respect Indian people. You don’t find any sort of racial discrimination. The rule of law is absolute - it’s perhaps the safest country in the world. Foreigners in particular are very well protected. At the same time its a country where there are no gaps and excuses for rule breakers. You cant say “ I did not know “.. you are expected to follow the law. Wether it is a following street signs, declaration that you make in the customs form when entering the country or when you are answering question of an authority - they expect everyone to understand what’s been asked and declare accurately and speak truthfully. You cannot violate law. Defilers will be treated with dignity but must face consequences. Cost of living is low, infrastructure is solid and reliable, public services are super efficient. There is just one problem; and that’s the language. You must know Chinese, or be accompanied by Chinese professional interpreter or know how to use translation gadgets and apps. Bottom line.. don’t break their law and learn to cope with the worlds most difficult language. You’ll be at peace in China.

Mahesh Sriram,就读于TUCK Executive Education

当然是的。中国人非常善良,他们尊重印度人民。在这里没有发现任何种族歧视。法治是绝对的 - 它可能是世界上最安全的国家。特别是外国人受到很好的保护。与此同时,要是破坏法规,可不是一句话说“我不知道”可以推脱责任的,你得遵守法律。注意观看街道的指示牌,入境要申报等等。诽谤者将受到严惩,不能违反法律哦,否则要承受严重的后果。生活成本低,基础设施发,公共服务超级高效。只有一个问题;那就是语言。您必须懂中文,或由中国专业翻译陪同,或知道如何使用翻译小工具和应用程序。底线..不要破坏他们的法律,学会应对世界上最难的语言。你将在中国和平相处。

Kamal Padam

Wherever there is trade and business opportunity, Indians will go. There are plenty of Indians living in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangdong and other business centers all over China. You have Indian grocery stores and Indian restaurants in major cities.

I was surprised to find an Indian restaurant in Santiago (Chile) and one even in Madagascar. That country even had an “Indian Association”, mostly people from Gujarat.


只要有贸易和商业机会,印度人就会去。 有很多印度人居住在上海,深圳,广东和中国各地的商业中心。 您在主要的城市都能找到印度杂货店和印度餐馆。

我很惊讶有一次在圣地亚哥(智利)找到了一家印度餐馆,甚至在马达加斯加也找到了一家。 那个地方甚至有一个“印度协会”,不过大多数来自古吉拉特邦。

I just came back from China. China is a very safe country. After traveling in this beautiful country, all my misconceptions about China have been eliminated.

我刚从中国回来。 中国是一个非常安全的国家。 在这个美丽的国家旅行后,我对中国所有错误的理解被消除了。

It's absolutely safe in China. I just lived in Beijing for two weeks, which completely changed my view of China. It's a beautiful country. Everyone is very friendly. You will find that Chinese people are more law-abiding than most Indians.
