​你好!中国 | 天下第一奇山在哪里?

2024-06-16 06:48 来源:网络 点击:

你好!中国 | 天下第一奇山在哪里?


Huangshan, one of China's Ten Famous Mountains and renowned as the "Number One Oddity under Heaven," is located in Anhui Province. It is currently recognized as a dual UNESCO World Heritage Site for both cultural and natural significance.


Huangshan is celebrated for its "Five Wonders and Three Falls." The Five Wonders include Unique Pines, Strange Rocks, Sea of Clouds, Hot Springs, and Winter Snow; while the Three Falls consist of the Zigzagging Waterfall, Hundred-zhang Spring, and Nine-dragon Waterfall. The Welcoming Pine of Huangshan symbolizes the warm hospitality and friendliness of the people of Anhui, carrying the cultural significance of embracing the world with Eastern etiquette.


For those planning to climb Huashan, essential gear such as a windbreaker, gloves, climbing boots, trekking poles, and sunscreen are indispensable. Bring along delicious snacks, and welcome to Huangshan to admire the winter snow, witness the misty waterfalls, gaze at the sea of clouds, and greet the sunrise!