
2024-03-07 17:09 来源:网络 点击:


【编者按】今年是《粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要》发布实施 5 周年的关键节点,在 2024 年全国两会召开前夕,羊城晚报国际传播栏目 "Data Talk" 以互联互通、科技创新和宜居宜游为主题,推出三期中英文数据动画视频,以 " 数据 + 动画 " 的形式,一览 5 年来粤港澳大湾区建设取得的成就。

大科学装置、无人驾驶、智能工厂、商业航天科技……《粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要》明确提出,要建设国际科技创新中心,打造全球科技创新高地和新兴产业重要策源地。5 年来,以横琴、前海、南沙以及河套四大平台为引擎,国际科技创新中心雏形渐显,科技力量茁壮成长,粤港澳大湾区已跻身世界最重要科创中心之一。



世界知识产权组织发布的《2023 年全球创新指数》创新指数,在全球前 100 个集群当中," 深圳—香港—广州 " 科技集群连续 4 年蝉联全球第二位。

香港在全球 132 个经济体中排名第 17 位,亚洲第 5 位。

广州在《2023 自然指数—科研城市》全球排名跃升至第 8 位。

深圳 2023 年国家级高新技术企业数量新增 1000 家以上,达到了 2.4 万家。

全球独角兽榜单大湾区 63 家企业上榜。

胡润研究院发布的《2023 全球独角兽榜》中,粤港澳大湾区共有 63 家独角兽登榜,广州成为过去一年独角兽数量增长最快的中国城市。

深圳全市 33 家企业入选 2023 全球独角兽企业榜单,并列全球第六。


2017-2021 年粤港澳大湾区发明专利公开总量 176.90 万件,复合增长率 21.74%,位列四大湾区首位。


" 澳门研发 + 横琴转化 " 渐入常态。

横琴粤澳深度合作区现有国家高新技术企业 282 家,其中澳资企业 16 家。

国家及省级专精特新企业 41 家,其中澳资企业 4 家。

珠海澳大科技研究院(澳门大学在大湾区设立的首个产学研示范基地)累计获得超过 150 项政府科技资助项目,开展联合研发、委托研究等商业项目超过 100 项。


联合香港发布 " 风投创投 18 条 "" 知识产权 16 条措施 "。累计推出惠港政策 200 条以上。目前,前海深港青年梦工场已累计孵化了 600 家港创团队。


目前吸引高层次和骨干人才超 2 万余人,实现 3 年翻两番。

2023 年,南沙新引进世界 500 强企业投资项目 29 个(累计 270 个)。

新增 13 家国家级专精特新 " 小巨人 " 企业,建成港澳青创基地达 13 家,吸引港澳台青创项目团队(企业)超 700 个落户。

" 小小河套 " 成为科创森林。

截至 2023 年 11 月河套深圳园区实质推进和已落地高端科研项目逾 150 个,包括 24 个院校项目、90 个高科技机构企业等。

在面积 3.89 平方公里的 " 小小河套 ",每平方公里就有 38 个科创项目。

DATA TALK|Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area ranks among world's most important science and innovation centers

1.Accelerate the construction of international science, technology, and innovation center

The Greater Bay Area's innovation momentum is growing.

In the Global Innovation Index 2023 released by "The World Intellectual Property Organization",the "Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Guangzhou" science and technology cluster has been ranked second for four consecutive years among the top 100 clusters in the world.

Hong Kong ranked 17th out of 132 economies in the world and 5th in Asia.

Guangzhou jumped to the 8th place in the global ranking in "Nature Index Science Cities 2023".

The number of national high-tech enterprises in Shenzhen in 2023 increased by more than 1,000, up to 24,000.

63 companies from the Greater Bay Area are on the Global Unicorn List.

In the "Global Unicorn List 2023" released by the Hurun Research Institute, 63 unicorns from the Greater Bay Area had made the list. Guangzhou has emerged as the fastest-growing city in China for these unicorns.

33 companies from Shenzhen were included in the "Global Unicorn List 2023",making the city sixth place globally for unicorn numbers.

It leads other Bay Areas in terms of comprehensive patent capacity.

The total number of invention patents disclosed in the Greater Bay Area from 2017 to 2021 is 1,769,900, with a compound growth rate of 21.74%, ranking first among the four major Bay Areas.

2. Four platforms have become a powerful engine for the Greater Bay Area

The mode of "sci-tech R&D in Macao and conversion in Hengqin" is becoming the norm.

There are 282 national high-tech enterprises in the Guangdong-Macao in-depth cooperation zone in Hengqin, including 16 Macao-funded enterprises.

41 national and provincial enterprises use special and sophisticated technologies, of which 4 are Australian-funded.

The Zhuhai UM Science &Technology Research Institute ( the first industry-academia-research demonstration base set up by the University of Macao in the Greater Bay Area ) has received more than 150 government science and technology grants and has conducted more than 100 commercial projects including joint researches and commissioned studies.

Qianhai New District has become the primary gateway for Hong Kong individuals and enterprises to expand into the Chinese mainland.

Qianhai and Hong Kong jointly issued "18 Measures for Supporting Venture Capital Investments" and"16 Measures for the Development of Intellectual Property. More than 200 policies have been launched to benefit Hong Kong businesses. At present, the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurial Hub has incubated a total of 600 Hong Kong start-up teams.

The appeal of Nansha for innovation and start-up is steadily growing.

Nansha has attracted more than 20,000 high-caliber and key talents, quadrupling in three years.

In 2023, Nansha introduced 29 investment projects from the world's top 500 companies. ( accumulating to a total of 270 projects )

Nansha has added 13 national "little giant" companies that adopt special and sophisticated technologies and established 13 Hong Kong and Macao youth entrepreneurship bases, attracting over 700 Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan youth innovation and entrepreneurship project teams and enterprises.

Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone has evolved into a hub of innovation.

By November 2023, Hetao Shenzhen Park has substantially advanced and successfully landed over 150 high-end research projects, including 24 academic projects and 90 high-tech institutes and enterprises.

Hetao spans only 3.89 square kilometers, yet it hosts 38 innovation projects per square kilometer.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News

统筹|蒋铮 赵鹏


文案|张志洁 李雨轩


剪辑|张志洁 黎杰文


